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What I have learned in the Eastern Ave. River City Area!

This transfer is over and after 6 months I will be leaving Eastern Ave and River City YSA on Thursday. I could have sworn I was just moving back into the Eastern Ave apartment yesterday. (To travel back.... I moved apartments temporarily when we combined areas during my last transfer [transfer number 3]. We would live in Eastern Ave for a few days and then roll up our bedding and drive to Fair Oaks Park and do work for a few days then roll up bedding and go back to Eastern Ave and River City YSA- repeat and repeat! That is until we ran ourselves ragged and into the ground.... we were so sick we had to basically take 4 or 5 days off.)

This is Elle Spears! She is an RM who we always are asking to come to lessons with us! She is amazing! We went on a long walk a few p-days ago! It was in the beautiful neighborhood that reminded me of the south.

Jesus Christ and I have walked the streets of Eastern Ave and River City for 6 months. He has taught our brothers and sisters. He has taught me. He has worked miracles. He has allowed me to see his doctrine, in its simplicity - faith in The Lord Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. This can change lives in immense ways.

This is Sister Blaesdale! She is a widow who lives in the Eastern Ave family Ward!!! She has so many fun stories that we love learing about!

It is the doctrine of faith- I've seen in Kat. Who held the Book of Mormon close to her chest as she was wheeled away on a stretcher. It was she who said this book will heal me.

It was Sequoia, who prayed for the first time with the hope that there was a God, having faith that he would answer.

It was Roy, coming to church with the faith that by keeping the sabbath day holy, God would help him tile his bathroom faster.

It was me, who was so torn down by the constant need for perfection, this led me to pray and pray and prayed that the Lord would perfect my Imperfect.

It has been me, who didn't know if her mission was life changing but had faith that if she just got up prayed, studied, and went to work that the Lord would change me in time and in His way.


It was the Doctrine of Repentance that I've seen in Damon, who went from being a gang leader to scripture reader.

It was Janet, who overcame her depression and grief through repentance or in other words letting God prevail in her life.

It was Allie, who experienced silence in a lesson and allowed the spirit to teach her the necessity of Christ, whiteout us even saying a word.

It was me, realizing that if there is any ounce of change in me, it is not by my own merits. It is completely because of Jesus Christ and His atonement.

It was me realizing that change is small and simple, showing ourselves grace and others grace is how we allow God to heal us.

The Cox family had us over for dinner and invited our friend Janet!!!!! The Coxs both served missions!

It was the Doctrine of Baptism.

When Damon said after his baptism interview- “they want to make sure you're changed. Before you’re baptized”.

It was Allie, who was led by the Holy Ghost to read scriptures about baptism and then partaking of the Sacrament with tears in her eyes.

It was me, being taught by Sister Fife that allowing others to help you is allowing others to exercise their baptismal convent. And us helping others is exercising ours.

It was me, learning, the sanctity of the sacrament. The redemption that comes from reverently preparing all week long to partake of it.

It's me still working towards a testimony of the necessity of baptism.

This is Brother and Sister Benton. Brother Benton is the new YSA Wards Bishop. The bishopric is comprised of people in the YSA Ward! The Benton's were in my family ward before being in the YSA! Sister Benton is principle Houge's Sister (For those of you who do not know Principle Houge was my principle at BHS before I left on my mission. Principle Aaron Houge's mother is in my current family ward. She always asks, " What is Aaron really like?"

The doctrine of Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

I saw it in me, realizing the “gift” and the “power” is different. And that the “gift” is what cleanses me and makes me worthy of receiving higher covenants with God.

It is in Sister Stickel, Brother Ballas, Sister Reaser, Reeves, Janet, and Bishiop Garrard, as they reach out to others and never let anyone sit alone.

This is me with the Hermana's. Because I was a STL (Sister Training leader) I was able to go with many of the Sister's in the mission. This is the Herman's after a team up! I really enjoy being an stl and being able to do Team ups and see how different sisters works!

It is the Doctrine of enduring to the End.

In which I have seen, Alex come to church every single week, while his wife sits at home.

I've seen it in Roy, as he gives credit to God for the little things.

I’ve seen it in the Beller children, as they get themselves up for early morning Seminary, church, and school, while their home, is filled with disarray, drugs, and divorce.

I've seen it in Sister Keys, as she stays true to what she knows despite having children leave the Gospel.

I've seen it in Lehi and Nephi as they stand true to what they know.

I saw it in Sister Ishoy, Hermana Bailey, Sister Pritts, Hermana Carter, Sister Arnold, Sister Tsog and Sister Fife. As they dealt with mental and physical health challenges.

I know we all have vistas of joy, that we repeat and repeat this cycle.

I know Jesus Christ lives. That statement encapsulates the entirety of the atonement. That one who was dead is no longer. I know this Doctrine grows I know this church grows I know Christ grows. I cannot deny that. I Invite you to apply more fully, live, breathe, and “BE” the doctrine of Christ.


Sister Frasier

This is David, he is Non verbal, high functioning autism! He welcomes every single person who walks by!!! We love him!!!! He is the step son of a ward missionary.

Cool story, we were outside of our teaching area. (Meaning a place where we were not assigned) but were visiting this girl that may come to the YSA Ward. She lived next to this other member who we teach over zoom but said “hey let's go teach her in person”. Anyways we drive all the way out there and the lesson doesn’t go through, and the potential YSA friend doesn’t answer... we think it was her house at least. Anyways she doesn’t answer but I feel prompted that we need to go knock the door that's across the street.

We aren’t in our area but did it anyways...... we knock and this man Jose answers. This is the most elect man! He tells us he has been praying for the past 2 weeks pleading that God will come back into his life. He was even looking up churches to go to on Google and none of them felt right! SOOO Jose asked God to show him what he needed to do and what path to take.... and then guess who knocked on the door...... we did! He said it was a sign!

He wants to learn more and meet with missionaries! So, we referred him to the Elders that are assigned to the area. The Elders call us the next day after having an appointment with Jose. They say that Jose is the most prepared person they have ever met! He accepted a Book of Mormon and gave a prayer at the end thanking God for showing him the right path so that he can be the man of God he needs to be. Praying that he could be a light to others. Praying with gratitude that the Sisters came by and knocked......WOW!

Our ward mission leader and a recent convert William!!!!

This is us with our Friend Laura. We went to lunch with the gift card my mom and dad sent for my Birthday. Thanks Mom and Dad!



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